Pentecost: The Advocate Comes!

Jesus gave his disciples great comfort when he told them, “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me.” This Advocate is the Holy Spirit, who is with us as we build God’s kingdom.

On Pentecost Sunday – where we celebrate the founding of God’s church and the coming of the Holy Spirit upon us – we are also celebrating Jesus’ fulfillment of His promise and Old Testament prophecy. Acts 2 explains that a crowd from many nations was gathered for the Hebrew holiday Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended upon these people with a mighty wind, flaming tongues of fire and languages they did not know they could speak. Peter exclaims (quoting the Hebrew scriptures), “God declares that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh…”

Without this outpouring of the Holy Spirit, these disciples of Jesus Christ would have been helpless to build God’s kingdom. The Holy Spirit empowers us to do that which we never thought we could do. I know without a doubt that it was the Holy Spirit who led me to Africa and empowered me to accomplish anything that I did in my eight-year journey there. Who was I to step out in faith? I was a redneck farmer, for heaven’s sake. What in the world did I know about the mission field? I was about to be educated, and the Holy Spirit was my teacher.

He gave me the boldness to act, to teach and to proclaim the gospel then, and He still does today. He guided me to my calling in Marion, and He still empowers me to speak when I do not have my own words to announce that Jesus is Lord. The Holy Spirit has indeed descended and imparted His power upon the people to grow the Kingdom of Heaven through preaching and discipleship.

Jesus tells his disciples that the “Holy Spirit will testify on my behalf.” He will speak for you when needed. Acts 2 records that immediately after the Holy Spirit’s outpouring, Peter preached to the crowd and that “Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church – about 3000 in all.” The Holy Spirit will not only speak for us, but he will also convict the hearts of those listening. In Acts 6, the deacon Stephen is challenged in the synagogue, and it says, “None of them was able to stand against the wisdom and Spirit by which Stephen spoke.”

Have you ever listened to a sermon and felt motivated or inspired to respond to the challenge of the preacher? That, my friends, is the Holy Spirit working through the preacher and in you to stir your heart to action. If you don’t believe that the Holy Spirit is working like this today, think again. I have a friend – who is now a bishop in Africa – who once baptized 500 people in Northern Kenya in one day from a tribe known to be hostile to Christians. Only the Holy Spirit could act like this.

The Holy Spirit also helps us to grow in our faith. John 16:13 says, “when the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth.” That “truth” is the saving and sanctifying natures of Jesus Christ. It is the Holy Spirit who lets us know that God is exactly who he says he is in the bible. John 16:13-14 add: “He will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, because he will take what is mine and declare it to you.” In other words, Jesus will convey to the Holy Spirit his inspired word to his disciples. The disciples, in turn, used this inspiration to write the New Testament, which has literally inspired billions via the Holy Spirit to grow in their faith and knowledge of the Lord Jesus.

I believe the reason God wants us to know of the Holy Spirit descending at Pentecost is to inspire us to do the same as the apostles. As I mentioned, on that day, Peter spoke by the power of the Holy Spirit, and 3000 people came to know the Lord Jesus. As Christians, we are all called to evangelize for Christ – to be His witnesses. Have you ever evangelized? Evangelism can be as simple as inviting someone to church. So, when was the last time you invited someone to church? It may also mean intentionally cultivating relationships with non-believers to show them that Jesus is Lord of your life — being a walking witness for the Lord. I know what you’re thinking: “Gosh I can’t do that. That’s embarrassing.”

If God’s church is going to grow, then this is what God’s children must be doing. The world is not going to come to us. Over and over in the gospel of John, He inspires us to go out into the world to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. We Christians are whom Christ is calling to proclaim this message. My message to you is: don’t be worried or embarrassed about this task. The Holy Spirit will be with you and embolden you as He did the Apostles, to speak for you, when you don’t have words; to convict those to whom you are speaking, and finally to disciple via his Holy Word all who proclaim his name.

Blessings to you all on this holy day!
